Untamed Fashion in USSR, Misha Buster
"During perestroika, in the second half of the 1980s, designers were permitted to attach their own names to their designs, and clothing stores opened at fashion houses where previously only the Soviet elite could order items. But even this sudden shift could not change the overall situation — it was all too late and in vain."
Graphic artist and designer Misha Buster was an active member of the artistic underground movement in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. He organized art-actions and music festivals during 90s. Author of numerous anthropological and critical essays on underground art.
The Untamed Fashion in USSR catalog is published on the occasion of the photo exhibition Untamed Fashion in USSR, by Moscow curator Misha Buster as part of Perestrojka!, a festival organised by Maxim Goldfinger and was held in Amsterdam between the 8th and 24th of November 2013.
Euro 8
ISBN: 978-94-91717-03-1